About Us

Owned and operated by Todd and Stephanie Soos.

Todd is a beekeeper with over a decade of experience working with Russian, Italian, and Carniolan bees.  He is an active member of the Loudoun Beekeepers Association, having served as its President, Education Outreach Coordinator, and mentor. 

Stephanie, while not a beekeeper, is supportive of Todd's passion for the bees. 

Todd and Stephanie are always happy to answer your questions about bees, our honey collection process, and our farm.

Basking Bee Farm and Apiary proudly participates in the Loudoun, Made, Loudoun Grown program.

loudoun, va made • loudoun, va grown

 The Apiary

In 2008, Todd took the beekeeping course offered by the Loudoun County Beekeepers Association and started with his first two hives.  He was able to increase the number of hives over time and with experience.  After a decade of keeping bees in a  suburban setting with multiple out-yards, everything was moved to the farm in Lovettsville where Basking Bee Farm and Apiary was finally established.

The apiary now averages 30 hives at a time and produces enough honey and bee packages to sell.  In accordance with Virginia state law, the apiary is inspected annually by the State's Bee Inspector to ensure the bees are healthy before they or the honey they produce are sold.

 The Farm

In addition to the bees, Basking Bee is also home to a diverse flock of chickens and a small herd of cattle. 

The chickens provide eggs and entertainment.  The flock includes Langshans, Leghorns, Polish, Red Sex-Links, Dominique, Rhode Island Red, Rhode Island Blue, Colombian Rock, Black Jersey Giants, and Wellsummer hens, and a Wyandotte rooster.

The cattle are a work in progress.  The herd includes Angus, Highland, and Holsteins.
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